Energy Balances
Energy Balances#
This problem covers coupled energy and material balances in an ideal CSTR.
Example Problem 01#
Allyl chloride is to be produced in a 0.83 ft3 CSTR. The feed to the reactor is a 4:1 molar ratio of propylene to chlorine, and it enters at a feed rate of 0.85 lbmol/hr at 2.0 atm and 392 °F. The pressure in the reactor is assumed to equal to the feed pressure.
But, as usual, let’s use the symbolic shorthand:
Both reactions are elementary and have the following rate constants:
Where \(T\) is in Rankine and \(R\) is in \(\textrm{BTU}/(\textrm{lbmol} \ \textrm{R})\)
The thermodynamic data for this reaction are listed in the following table, and heat capacities can be calculated from
\(C_{Pi} = A_i + B_i\times T + C_i\times T^2 + D_i \times T^3 \, (\textrm{cal/mol/K})\)
Component |
\(H_f(298\textrm{K}) \, (\textrm{kcal/mol})\) |
\(A\) |
\(B \times 10^2\) |
\(C\times 10^5\) |
\( D\times 10^9\) |
\(Cl_2\) |
0 |
6.432 |
0.8082 |
-0.9241 |
3.695 |
\(C_3H_6\) |
4.88 |
0.866 |
5.602 |
-2.771 |
5.266 |
\(C_3H_5Cl\) |
-0.15 |
0.604 |
7.277 |
-5.442 |
17.42 |
\(HCl\) |
-22.06 |
7.235 |
-0.172 |
0.2976 |
-0.931 |
\(C_3H_6Cl_2\) |
-39.60 |
2.496 |
8.729 |
-6.219 |
18.49 |
Compute the reator temperature and molar flowrates of \(Cl_2\), \(C_3H_5Cl\) and \(C_3H_6Cl_2\) for adiabatic operation. If you use an algebraic equation solver (you probably will), a good initial guess for temperature is 1200 °R
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import quadrature
Solution to Example Problem 01#
We start by writing material balances, and we also allow for non-isothermal operation by writing an energy balance (allowing us to solve for T). For this problem, I find the following approach is straightforward.
We define production rates as usual:
Rate constants for both reactions are given by an Arrhenius expression, with parameters given in the problem statement:
The reactions are both listed as having elementary kinetics, but rate constants are given in pressure units, so we’ll have to use partial pressures instead of concentrations in the rate expression in order to get correct dimensions:
We know that partial pressures are a common stand in for concentrations in gas-phase reactions, so this is a reasonable rate expression. Partial pressures are defined as usual:
Where the mole fraction of each species is given by:
And we can compute the total molar flowrate by summing individaul flowrates:
To complete the solution, we next need to express everything in the energy balance in terms of our unknowns and/or constants. Our first simplification is that this CSTR is adiabatic, so:
Next, focusing on the heat of reaction terms, we have two reactions so:
We need to allow that \(\Delta H_i\) is usually a function of temperature. We do so using the \(\Delta C_{p,i}\) for each reaction:
For this two reaction system, we have:
Considering the complex polynomial heat capacities given in the problem statement, there almost no way that our \(\Delta C_p\) terms are zero, so we really need to integrate them to find the \(\Delta H\) at a given reaction temperature. In the Python solution, we’ll use lambda functions to construct the \(C_{p,j}(T)\) expressions and then use those functions in a second set of lambda function definitions to specifiy \(\Delta C_{p,i}\) for each reaction. Once we do that, we can integrate the expressions from the reference temperature \(T_0 = 298 \ K\) to the as yet unknown reaction temperature using Gaussian Quadrature.
Finally, for this particular problem, we actually have reference state enthalpies, so we can construct lambda functions to calculate the enthalpy of reaction for each species \(j\) at both the feed temperature, \(T_f\), and the reactor temperature, \(T\). That allows us to evaluate the term:
At this point, we’ve specified every equation in terms of constants and our unknowns: \(F_A\), \(F_B\), \(F_C\), \(F_D\), \(F_E\), and \(T\). The problem can be solved with opt.root()
def P01(var):
FA, FB, FC, FD, FE, TK = var #Flowrates in lbmol/hr, T in Kelvin
FT = FA + FB + FC + FD + FE
yA = FA/FT
yB = FB/FT
yC = FC/FT
yD = FD/FT
yE = FE/FT
P = 2.0 #atm
pA = yA*P #atm
pB = yB*P #atm
Tf = (392 + 459.67)/1.8 #K
T0 = 298 #K
T_Rankine = TK*1.8 #Rankine
R = 1.986 #BTU/lbmol/Rankine
V = 0.83 #ft^3
k1 = 206000*np.exp(-27200/R/T_Rankine) #lbmol/h/ft3/atm^2
k2 = 11.7*np.exp(-6860/R/T_Rankine) #lbmol/h/ft3/atm^2
r1 = k1*pA*pB #lbmol/h/ft3
r2 = k2*pA*pB #lbmol/h/ft3
RA = -r1 - r2 #lbmol/h/ft3
RB = -r1 - r2 #lbmol/h/ft3
RC = r1 #lbmol/h/ft3
RD = r1 #lbmol/h/ft3
RE = r2 #lbmol/h/ft3
#Heat capacities in cal/lbmol/K
CPA = lambda T: 453.59*(6.432 + 0.8082e-2*T + -0.9241e-5*T**2 + 3.695e-9*T**3)
CPB = lambda T: 453.59*(0.866 + 5.602e-2*T + -2.771e-5*T**2 + 5.266e-9*T**3)
CPC = lambda T: 453.59*(0.604 + 7.277e-2*T + -5.442e-5*T**2 + 17.42e-9*T**3)
CPD = lambda T: 453.59*(7.235 + -0.172e-2*T + 0.2976e-5*T**2 + -0.931e-9*T**3)
CPE = lambda T: 453.59*(2.496 + 8.729e-2*T + -6.219e-5*T**2 + 18.49e-9*T**3)
#DeltaCP in cal/lbmol/K
DCP1 = lambda T: CPC(T) + CPD(T) - CPA(T) - CPB(T)
DCP2 = lambda T: CPE(T) - CPA(T) - CPB(T)
#Ref state enthalpies at 298K, in cal/lbmol
HA0 = 0*1000*453.59
HB0 = 4.88*1000*453.59
HC0 = -0.15*1000*453.59
HD0 = -22.06*1000*453.59
HE0 = -39.60*1000*453.59
#Enthalpies as a function of temperature, cal/lbmol
HA = lambda T: HA0 + quadrature(CPA, T0, T)[0]
HB = lambda T: HB0 + quadrature(CPB, T0, T)[0]
HC = lambda T: HC0 + quadrature(CPC, T0, T)[0]
HD = lambda T: HD0 + quadrature(CPD, T0, T)[0]
HE = lambda T: HE0 + quadrature(CPE, T0, T)[0]
#Reference state heats of reaction, cal/lbmol
DH10 = HC0 + HD0 - HA0 - HB0
DH20 = HE0 - HA0 - HB0
#DH's as a function of temperature, cal/lbmol
DH1 = DH10 + quadrature(DCP1, T0, TK)[0]
DH2 = DH20 + quadrature(DCP2, T0, TK)[0]
FHsum = FAf*(HA(Tf) - HA(TK)) + FBf*(HB(Tf) - HB(TK)) + FCf*(HC(Tf) - HC(TK)) + FDf*(HD(Tf) - HD(TK)) + FEf*(HE(Tf) - HE(TK))
DT = -(DH1*r1*V + DH2*r2*V) + FHsum
F1 = FAf - FA + RA*V
F2 = FBf - FB + RB*V
F3 = FCf - FC + RC*V
F4 = FDf - FD + RD*V
F5 = FEf - FE + RE*V
F6 = DT
return [F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6]
FTf = 0.85 #lbmol/h
FAf = 1/5*FTf #lbmol/h
FBf = 4/5*FTf #lbmol/h
FCf = 0.0
FDf = 0.0
FEf = 0.0
var0 = [FAf/2, FBf/1.2, FBf*0.2, FBf*0.2, FBf*0.1, 600]
ans = opt.root(P01, var0)
FA, FB, FC, FD, FE, T = ans.x
print(f'The CSTR operates at {T:3.0f}K')
print(f'The exit flowrates of Cl2, C3H6, C3H5Cl, HCl, and C3H6Cl2 are {FA:3.2e}, {FB:3.2e}, {FC:3.2e}, {FD:3.2e}, {FE:3.2e} lbmol/h')
The CSTR operates at 608K
The exit flowrates of Cl2, C3H6, C3H5Cl, HCl, and C3H6Cl2 are 4.63e-02, 1.34e+00, 2.32e-01, 2.32e-01, 5.85e-02 lbmol/h